Tvååker INT.....

Last show we entered was Tvååker Int.

Judge was Nina Karlsdotter, Sweden. Specialist at our breed.
34 dogs was entered

5 females and 1 male get CK and was allowed to compete in best female and best male.

I entered CAMALIS Rock N Roll Lola and she won Championclass (3 females) and compete in best female and became 3rd best female with R-CACIB.

We are happy that judge Nina Karlsdotter like her and also the other 2 judges who start to learn about our breed.

CAMALIS Zlatan Makes It Happend join us today at the show. Zlatan are a son after Lola, we are very happy about this special boy and hope he will develope like he has start.
Here is some photos from the day at Zlatan.......Thanks Pia for such a nice photos at our Zlatan.


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